Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Brazilian Wax Montreal

An excerpt from "Black Box", which is full of stuff. Enjoy it. Questions are welcome.

" The film opens with a teenager who finds a box in his attic. The box is full puppets, muppets with a slight air strange, diabolical. The boy takes the box to your piece. Start playing with them. He tells his girlfriend of the moment he has found his vocation: to make puppet theater. The bride hugs him. Comes the birthday of the protagonist's younger brother, offered to make a function to the guests. The show, a small skit of agreements and disagreements among a handful of monsters, is carried out. One of the monsters carrying a knife, on the grounds outlined by the protagonist, is trying to kill his comrades all the time. Runs the function. The audience laughs. Zamora. Lma laughter as if it were a commercial, a stack of children happy and enlightened, out of time. Then the player gets nailed by accident. Zamora is ambiguous in the explanation: the boy may have been nailed, or that the murderer has puppet come to life. Blood splashes to the rest of the puppets and then come to life. The protagonist loses a hand when it became trapped between the folds of the puppet murderer, that come to life are full of teeth and the curtailment: a resource cleverly stolen from Evil Death II. begins a slaughter that Zamora recorded with detail and some humor. Kill the living puppets attendees birthday ingenious ways (Drowning with cake, hanging them with Challa, nailing hundreds of plastic knives in the body) and evil (make an electric bed on the couch, batons, devouring entrails, hint violations). The protagonist escapes. Remember the engraved wooden box containing the dolls: a five-pointed star. The dolls are as homeowners. The police arrive, but officials reduced to puppets and get weapons. They take the neighborhood. The protagonist visits a cure. He tells and shows the mutilated hand. The priest says they are not puppets but devils incarnate. The blood and the staff have made portal. He asks how to stop them. The priest says do not know. At this point the puppets, who are already hundreds and multiply in an inexplicable manner, have taken over the neighborhood and imposed a dictatorship. Neighbours are detained and disappeared. The protagonist decides to have been sufficient. Goes to an arms dealer and buy a bunch of grenades. Back to the neighborhood and becomes a killing machine: exterminate the puppets one by one, in different ways. At this point Zamora has transformed the film into a slaughter without purpose, but entertaining and bloodless. Puppets die funny ways: they suffocate, they explode, jump into the void, dramatic monologues, crashing toy cars, devour themselves, read poems among them that are like grenades. After twenty minutes of slaughter, the film ends with a terrifying scene: the hero beheads the leader (the puppet murderer) before a crowd of his followers, who die automatically penalty shouts of Greek chorus. Of course, the last scene promises a continuation, a child in a store buying one of the evil puppet, which looks at the camera and smiles evil. Caen credits and a song of UPA! (A cover of "Those crazy short people" Serrat) closes the show, which is effective enough n aif to convince an uncritical public.

A Shaikers it was not bad, but his aura of class B immediately transformed into a film scorned by purists and adored by lovers of the bizarre. Sáez sold to a U.S. distributor who brought copies on video. They managed to display it in a couple of minor festivals and a Belgian critic, seeing her along with the works of Justinian, Caiozzi and Maldonado, considered it "the most hallucinogenic side of the emerging Chilean cinema." Other, French, suggested that it was "an account of the recent traumas American public memory, an unconscious marked by years of dictatorship, terrorism, torture and genocide ".


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