Saturday, September 23, 2006

Moebius Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

Black Box

Rodrigo Pinto

Debut Bisam Álvaro narrative, literary critic and author of the column "The bookworm" Black box is a novel that is home to one of the possibilities of the genre, perhaps the least explored: the breakdown of how the use of unconventional structure, breaking with tradition. The easiest analogy of the title is the black box of the aircraft say it is not black, but bright yellow, the information repository that holds the key to the mystery, why and how it happened that should never have happened. But here again the mystery is elusive, the successive stories underground counterculture enshrine the history of Chile in recent decades, rock and pop with vampires and Nazis, trembling with terror adolescent identity and abyssal very specific fears.

Box Bisam black refers, without doing so explicitly, the networking world, the super fast movement of information, fashion trends, data, music, film , to all corners of the planet, and relationships that are created in that space is not territorial, non-delimited, each person who designs or manages to taste. But there are also some territorial roots, recognizable cities in Chile at times and sometimes transformed by the dream or delirium in places that burn in flames or where you can listen to the apocalyptic prophecies of a taxi way of the restaurant El Parrón, and historical, with memory coup hitting the lives of some people and, of course, the biography of all. The novel as a kaleidoscope that sometimes shows what's on the other side of the shapes you draw. The novel as a collection of stories that come together at a point outside the text. A novel, at last, written quickly and carefully, also draws on different genres, including interviews, a dictionary, monologues, stories, thirteen of twelve chapters that go back to zero and that from the headings, down another dialogue with the literature, pop music and reality shows.

Saturday, Mercurio de Chile, September 23, 2003

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Brazilian Wax Montreal

An excerpt from "Black Box", which is full of stuff. Enjoy it. Questions are welcome.

" The film opens with a teenager who finds a box in his attic. The box is full puppets, muppets with a slight air strange, diabolical. The boy takes the box to your piece. Start playing with them. He tells his girlfriend of the moment he has found his vocation: to make puppet theater. The bride hugs him. Comes the birthday of the protagonist's younger brother, offered to make a function to the guests. The show, a small skit of agreements and disagreements among a handful of monsters, is carried out. One of the monsters carrying a knife, on the grounds outlined by the protagonist, is trying to kill his comrades all the time. Runs the function. The audience laughs. Zamora. Lma laughter as if it were a commercial, a stack of children happy and enlightened, out of time. Then the player gets nailed by accident. Zamora is ambiguous in the explanation: the boy may have been nailed, or that the murderer has puppet come to life. Blood splashes to the rest of the puppets and then come to life. The protagonist loses a hand when it became trapped between the folds of the puppet murderer, that come to life are full of teeth and the curtailment: a resource cleverly stolen from Evil Death II. begins a slaughter that Zamora recorded with detail and some humor. Kill the living puppets attendees birthday ingenious ways (Drowning with cake, hanging them with Challa, nailing hundreds of plastic knives in the body) and evil (make an electric bed on the couch, batons, devouring entrails, hint violations). The protagonist escapes. Remember the engraved wooden box containing the dolls: a five-pointed star. The dolls are as homeowners. The police arrive, but officials reduced to puppets and get weapons. They take the neighborhood. The protagonist visits a cure. He tells and shows the mutilated hand. The priest says they are not puppets but devils incarnate. The blood and the staff have made portal. He asks how to stop them. The priest says do not know. At this point the puppets, who are already hundreds and multiply in an inexplicable manner, have taken over the neighborhood and imposed a dictatorship. Neighbours are detained and disappeared. The protagonist decides to have been sufficient. Goes to an arms dealer and buy a bunch of grenades. Back to the neighborhood and becomes a killing machine: exterminate the puppets one by one, in different ways. At this point Zamora has transformed the film into a slaughter without purpose, but entertaining and bloodless. Puppets die funny ways: they suffocate, they explode, jump into the void, dramatic monologues, crashing toy cars, devour themselves, read poems among them that are like grenades. After twenty minutes of slaughter, the film ends with a terrifying scene: the hero beheads the leader (the puppet murderer) before a crowd of his followers, who die automatically penalty shouts of Greek chorus. Of course, the last scene promises a continuation, a child in a store buying one of the evil puppet, which looks at the camera and smiles evil. Caen credits and a song of UPA! (A cover of "Those crazy short people" Serrat) closes the show, which is effective enough n aif to convince an uncritical public.

A Shaikers it was not bad, but his aura of class B immediately transformed into a film scorned by purists and adored by lovers of the bizarre. Sáez sold to a U.S. distributor who brought copies on video. They managed to display it in a couple of minor festivals and a Belgian critic, seeing her along with the works of Justinian, Caiozzi and Maldonado, considered it "the most hallucinogenic side of the emerging Chilean cinema." Other, French, suggested that it was "an account of the recent traumas American public memory, an unconscious marked by years of dictatorship, terrorism, torture and genocide ".

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Clear Urine After Antiobotics

two or three things about" black box. "
1) I was interviewed in The Nation and left on 18 September. I do not know if it means anything but I was not going to get paranoid. The interview did Alejandro Gomez and focused in the dictionary next film z within the book which is the freak, but I think the book is not as freak and there's more there. I do not know. I would have liked I was asked by Osu, for example.
2) "La Segunda" it also outlined. I'll try to upload the pdf. It is a good review.
3) The above illustration of Go Nagai, the patron saint of the book.

"El Chile unreal"

Without a drop of solemnity, Bisam creates a world of pop quotes and characters from the film B, as "an excuse to talk about Chile's history," says .

"Cabeza de Chancho", "Fono 666" or CARNAZA "are some of the protagonists of the film class B, but no one except the head of Alvaro Bisam and now in the pages of his latest novel, "Black Box".

"argues that in the whole world may be different from what we see, our own idea of \u200b\u200bscience fiction works the eventual possibility of a world where what happened should not have happened," says the writer himself. This film, literature, images and poetry Chilean mingle disgust and without handle: "They are all false, is a world that is not there and the passion of the characters is in their own stories," he says.


And in the last book also critical of the "Magazine of Books," where nothing is real, is the perfect excuse to talk about Chile. "It's an excuse to talk about the history of our country and insert images that I find interesting display," says the writer, for whom in any case, the real film B in the country "are the films of Raúl Ruiz and Pepe Maldonado. Also all the tapes made during the dictatorship. "

Bisam recognizes that as a reader has gone through various genres, which helped him build his own universe in his novel. Actually began armando vignettes of terror, then he thought of the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing a dictionary, but then "it was short and lame," he says, to put together other stories that were the complement of the book.

"I am interested in creating a 'dream machine', creating his own universe that is the aspiration of any kind of art," argues Bisam, for whom "black box" is "an attempt to solve and reflect on certain problems that interested me as a genre novel. "

-item is new compared to what was published in Chile ...

"Yes, I wanted to do something completely different to what it is. There is a Chilean graphic novel, or realistic, or ideographic. It is simply the novel I wanted to read. Has the value of the anomaly, playing in a field where she imposes its rules. Also very good dialogue with authors that I like as (Juan Rodolfo) Wilcock, Nicanor Parra and David Bowie, who interested me as a metaphor for what can happen in pop culture.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What Makes Tramadol Work Better

The blog of "black box", the novel, is formally opened. What before was a test. The image of the cover, is certainly intriguing. The drawing of Angela / Enkeli increasingly disturbs me more: a feminist friend saw it and was plop. Shocked. He said he did not know what was going to find something I like. Page Angela Gonzalez, is certainly . There are more images pop there. On the other hand, the novel is already in bookstores and is having its own life. I do not know what will happen. Furthermore, last Sunday, I gave an interview in Book Review. The great Alvaro Matus asked me things and I answered and the result is here. The strange thing is that he had not spoken to Villa Alemana never, except in a time of "Black Box", I do not either. But the interview is there and work and I do not think many pelotudeces. This blog is to record these strange beats: go up fragments, reviews and comments. Bizarro World

Bisam To Álvaro (1975), literature is an open drawer full of tools and cachureos, which the novelist and the reader can access a variety of ways. For this reason, it works like manifold, those where fiction pure and simple with chronic gets dirty, writing encyclopedic tone, aesthetics of comics, news and whatever gender reference in their power pop. Bisam, who teaches at the University of Playa Ancha and write in these pages, not afraid of pollution, dirt, grime.

Black Box (Editorial Bruguera), his debut as a novelist, is the credible witness of what passes for his overactive brain or what has been thrown in the drawer where his records are stacked, stories, memories and fantasies. There is no climax or end, but a set of stories that are increasing: witness the clash between a glam singer and his father, an academic with messianic delusions that directs the making of a Faculty of Theology, as well as we can read a dictionary Chilean Gothic cinema. Miguel Brito, for example, is the butcher who led "Coiled huaso", "Eighteen bloody" and "virtual barbecue" trilogy, you will come haunting scenes of sex and violence; Lonco is the pseudonym of Daniel Huenulef, star of the adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe stories in Mapuche mythology , "Mount Caramel" is the title of the story of a village inhabited by children with mental powers and priests that led to vampire Writers Society of Chile made the rumor of plagiarism to García Márquez.

Among the extravagant horror sneak some pictures of a particular density, such as Japanese friends dedicated to the comic or the writer albino held in the Sixth Region , secret tribute to the poet Juan Luis Martinez. "I grew up in Villa Alemana, the town where he spent the latter part of his life," explains Bisam. "I appreciate that Martinez've read that kind of almost rural province. In fact, his radicalism is heightened when one realizes that negotiates its readings from that edge all in one place so very trashy and Vine. From there, read vanguards for inventing a steal and finish his degree. The writer of the Black Box honors, but also deflected. The albino before has been a police pop writer who comes to poetry by a fatigue of working materials " .

- So parody is also a form of tribute?

- is a form of melancholy. The object remembers the original parodied, but it can never be read again in the same way, with the same consistency. There is a yearning for knowledge that we can no longer reach or tell-a form of memory dyslexic.

- When born your interest in such knowledge discredited by high literature?

- They were always there as part of the pan daily reading. I grew up reading the magazine analysis by Japanese cartoons. My parents gave me the complete collection of classics along with Asterix adventure novels, and arguably never made aesthetic hierarchies. As I got into the boom devouring me Foucault's Pendulum, Eco, that legitimizes all the fee, passing by the sarcasm and cynicism. I'm interested in that world as an aesthetic, as a way to tell, juxtaposing with more systematic knowledge. Hence, I like Grant Morrison, Piglia, Warren Ellis, Bolaño, Wilcock, Dick, Jack Kirby, Laiseca, Parra. When I read "Rome the wolf", the comic book left unfinished Lihn, I realize that there is a line of work, a rare form of tradition.

- This year published a book chronicles ('Postcards urban') and the novel do appear to Edwards Bello with a history as bizarre as enigmatic. What is your relationship with him?

- As a reader, I have tremendous affection. His writing has an urgency to record the fact, but also invented. On the other hand, put Edwards Bello was automatic: breathe the way you see the port. He, Manuel Rojas, Aldo France and others coined a way of telling Valparaiso. There are also more personal reasons. From childhood I go to a Chinese restaurant that I believe serves the best Mongolian beef around here. Reading The futility of the family I learned that this was the house Joaquin, who was born there and that the mansion was part of Chilean literature. When Carla eat there, try to think that the ghost of Edwards Bello protects diners like a ghost armed, ready to fire bullets of ectoplasm. I like the tradition contain a guy like him.

- "black box" in any case, away from the Chilean tradition.

- What I tried was to play with materials that prevent at all costs Creole photo realism, solipsism biography, linearity and local technical gesture of trying to emulate right or wrong to Donoso, or believe that the novel is a sort of inviolate sanctuary, home armed angels sing the national anthem.

- seems like the aesthetics of excess and the minimum, you're the first.

- I want to push the boundaries of the machine that tells stories. I also like that the novel has a high gravity forces, in addition to the possibility of incorporating a multitude of stories that intersect and collide. It was weird and funny, mix, cut, paste, mix again. It was the remix of an album. Pure pop.

- Do not you think that the emphasis on architecture characterization hurt, the force of the passions and emotions of the characters?

- The énfasis en la arquitectura vino casi al final. Sabía que tenía entre manos una obra coral, pero también que la pasión de los personajes eran sus propias historias: el cómo las cuentan y en qué los transforma ese relato. Los hermanos Mori, Levinas, el albino, Osu, el rockstar y el dibujante japonés son voces buscando su lugar. Y los otros, funcionan como detonadores de ciertas ideas del decorado, como forma de atrapar algunas imágenes que se me escapaban. La idea es ver Caja negra como una casa y que el lector deambule y vea qué se cuece en cada habitación.

Revista de Libros, 10 de septiembre de 2006