legacy for me so fucking great granddaughter.
The idiot Champy, osiase I had severe farts with blogger, I could not go, either essential sites, clubs where I open all I could not express my views ... was little that could be the machine that Slim give me a few days ago, but in truth I find tedious and difficult work from these mondrigos aparatillos, and here in 2046, nomas could not .... until they get sick of me and he ask the granddaughter of the Giant of our celebration and advise me. I said, migrate to Mozilla Champy wey!
said than done. I did and I could barely climb the previous quizzes.
shawls I have so much time and I did not!
I say, I'm from 2046, and not the little shop ... if I told them all the very jijos bloquiaron .... ps I am worth, only now to prepare and empower these mothers, and me, not me nomas gives a damn key free, oh ps .... I am the mother has no accent eh! In case I'm good dude and without accents easier pa'mi .... ps the spellcheck does not work at all, as you already should know, so do not expect accents here.
A locked entries on my stupidity spoke of "Presumed Guilty Censorship ".... yes, if the climb at this time saw many mothers take .... I must confess that at that time, more mothers than blogger (if blogger was to blame for my stupidity) I dropped a flash of brilliance and my vinyl antennas told me: Do not do tantrums dude ... this is not going out there .. I'm sure some more fucking and great cooking are those of the shit team ...
next day, the nation's largest shit live and in all the world to side chains of Hawaiian brunette was flattered each other: What a wonderful war fecalin throwing you these! Thanks Barite, thanks to your advice! And both (two) with all height (juar juar) policy that granted the vote, vilified and prosecuted to the Libyan government, denouncing the repression and killing the Muslim people who fled en masse at that time ... That idiot does not know how many dead fecal takes your fucking war!! With what authority that disqualifies the idiot??
Make it clear that I no longer pissed eh! But still you spit your bullshit .... must be stressed! Meanwhile
here, their lackeys auctioned off what little is left untouched, and in the most absolute silence ... I believe that only the Jornis realized it ... but curiously, not too noisy ... ta cabron !
Ah, all que me queda claro en este momento, es que en washington le dieron la venia a aquel infeliz traidor que me llamo mezquino!
Lo bueno es que se la van a pelar!
Pura madre que nos aliamos con esa gentuza!
Ya en serio.
Se que estoy bien pendientote con ustedes, creanme, he andado como calzón de la Pinche Vieja (mi amiga en twitter), entre que a fuerzas y entre que me conviene, hay que entretenernos pa'olvidar, igual y es cobardía, igual y no hay de otra.
Mi hornito ay va...ya casi lo tengo listo (en papeles nada mas eh!!...para todo se llevara como un ano), traigo varios proyectos al mismo tiempo y por todo el changarro, lo que implica caminar como hace mucho no I did, but you know what? I like a fuck what I do ... teach, transmit, share ... this is mine, and more when congratulate them when they see the benefits when they live the benefits and tell me smiling ... That is worth more than billetiza I deposited, but of course without the billetiza not eat it and keep my kitten or

2046 is almost ready .... is more, you are ready, just that it is seen as one who always wants more, woe is me Old gritonea long vacation and I am preparing a coven of those in which Violetta and I changed our name ... Feel like our angels are good trout quen else ... know as we finish ... because my sister is also ... Yesterday
take a group of demure Regios to see Leap Year ..... hehehe what was my surprise, nearly full room, and the royal dumb .... to me it makes me or were royal, but at least those who were left impressed me ... you already saw it??
Sometimes the loneliness is hard, and others in which hardens .... so, many we can only enjoy, even echandonos to lose. Who
removed and is one of those gum and sticks.
Click pissed my friend would say .... lenase the publisher of The Jornis Pa'que see semos good dealers that the Aztecs ... is the cock!
And this, if emputa.
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