Juroles I have given ... and I think no more turns to the issue, and I see nothing Different!
This simple beautiful and mean lowly Champignon ..... and nothing has changed I will believe??
Good good good good ... or motivated regarding the death of the bird that the Pajarraca floor to put the egg ... I think both my brothers and me through this time-tested way for other successful. If you ask me that I got out of trance ... I would say that the conmfirmacion a relationship solid enough but I thought with my blood brothers .... but I am still the mismito of endenantes. Yes
perceive changes in me, but it has nothing to do with the departure of my lord father, and I'm not sure it is final, such changes are more in the responses in actions .... I feel that actually, I have or am learning to control my impulses ... and make it clear, I do not intend to change for change or pretend never .... another seek and fight for what we all strive for a better life, an evolution in my human side ..... and the spiritual essence of course .... but my my essence ... my essence is the same. God's truth. Reviewing
put an item in the former Bureau for 9, and I assure you, it seems that I've typed in this moment .... slammed here from there (called a hack to what is one ???).
Sometimes I rise ....
without realizing it and just as he landed.
fly so I do not care any more help. Life is not easy, but very beautiful, I was born of the earth when the earth sprang the Lagunera life, I after the riots and genocide Echeverria was born when Coppola premiered their history of early and gangsters and when Munich was besieged by a Jewish army. When love and peace were 2 fingers on V.
because I have lungs and breathe alive because my heart beats, down and left.
I have no more need to look where there is none, nor close the mouth that has something to say. I'm loyal and faithful and defender of my mouth, and the mouths of the world, but also believe and assure you that the worst censorship is the one that comes from within and against that nothing I can do. The world would be different if we all knew screaming her lungs out, What? Whatever, the content is then we must begin by practicing the art of disgorge.
I'm here to make a point of view to this table of 9, not if you enjoy sharing with me, the truth does not interest me, I have perfectly clear that I do I enjoy to pass the pepper ..... and salt too ..
I also believe that the world would be better if there were no nonsense, no boundaries, and I also believe that sooner or later disappear latter, unfortunately, I also think it's too late to enjoy the Earth, there will be much more terrible ..... but what I think is not it, most terrible thing is that now all or most of what we know and do nothing, we are more concerned about stupid and banal that the beautiful esferota in which we were born.
I am a half Champignon dysfunctional and I have clear, very honest, believe in God and the sister of his aunt, and therefore, I admire the minds that take part in chaos, therefore I hate those who paint arcoriris with thousands of colors, and not masters, the rainbow only 7 and not one more. But I also possess sound knowledge about different types of retinas, some more curves than others, some with broken defractorio angle, a few are still being born with a slight convection in the nest oc .... and I can well understand that people with a of these features will be a rainbow colored and bright and dim and extended to start and end.
not whether to feel lucky to live this socio-political pangea not think I'm ready,
What I have perfectly clear is that mental health runs out long before physics, and it is not much where to be, at most you can get on a train that takes us to a place where memories are retrieved and corrected the incorrigible, the only problem is that once you decide to get on that train of no return.
In my no concessions nor concertasesiones, I'm so contemplative as they come, I told you that comfort and I are one yourself, if you want to go to movies, and I do not care that title you want to see, to be clear I do want to see enough. And that will be clear, we see the output ..... if you so choose.
If you get on my boat I will gladly and get off whenever you want, that if you have learned to swim, so take lessons when you're up, does not require any documents, passports and visas to me step by the new ..... Now if this is the Sinaloa ay if things change. That is only 2 seats, one, the steering is mine, next door has reserved itself carefully, so carefully that even available.
I like men, admire and respect, but respect and I rather like cats of all colors and sizes in my life have been some important, some very good and very fine (I mean cats) and other very crap and false (now men) so if I have clear is that mine mine mine? Is flown. So I prefer the birds in my life there have been many and varied races, sang a very nice, some others flew, many barely crossed my path ..... but I do not care, I love birds lost, and if they fly in spite of his blindness much better.
write because one day my craziness I left, I do not care to please anyone or have thousands of visitors or readers, if interest is involved, interested me that AIDS is eradicated and that anxiety be cured with a smile, but God does not give wings to scorpions much less the mushrooms, I'm the exception to the rule, that if my wings only use them to catch.
was born as Luis Rey, Luis Bernardo was baptized, but that's irrelevant, call me bald, or Teresa, or Engineer, sister, or Caye, or until Pinche Loco, nothing offends me ... ... I am a simple champiñoncito who goes through life looking for a pair of eyes that one day dreamed, or a night and I do not remember, and for them, there is a seat available in Sinaloa.
Champy and proud, that cost me my job!
.... there was once a bird that had no legs
could only fly and fly.
When tired, he slept in the wind.
That bird could only go down once to land ......
was when he died.
. Maybe today
perceive different my habitat .... Today I I feel more complete, or better yet, I feel I am in the process of completion, I feel more "conscious and even better yet .... more more Man. The
to take this cue to the plate it is not going to end!
So do not speculate on that where is the walk or Champiñoncito !?!?!?!
I'm fine ... as I want.
And you never forget. They belong.
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