For me, no matter how crowded it is in chamba, I can not stay out of barbarism and horror. And under no circumstances will justify or I'll be on that side, there is no valid reason according to me, and now if anyone will convince me otherwise. What happens inside my house I fix me and only me.

to me that I did not come with tales of "Humanitarian Aid" mercantilist fucking bullshit.
Commander is and even after his death to remain so, it has been announced ... and as I would have the unfortunate was wrong ... here's me hacking Jornis.
Havana, March 29.
Cuban leader Fidel Castro called the bombings of the U.S. and its European allies of fascist war against Libya and Muammar Gaddafi warned that if resisted, will sink into the mire of shame to the Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in a Reflection publcada new today.
If Kadafi honors the traditions of his people and decides to fight, as promised, to the last breath with the Libyans who are facing the worst ever suffered bombing a country sink into the mud disgrace to NATO and their criminal projects, wrote Castro, who foresaw the attacks the body in three previous articles.
Castro compared the bombing to Libya today with those conducted by Nazi aviation against Spain in 1936, adding that "now, however, the criminal NATO discredited and write a 'beautiful' story on his' humanitarian "bombing." But he said that even the fascist leaders of Germany and Italy were so extremely brazen in the English Civil War.
"The people respect and believe in men who know how to fulfill the duty. More than 50 years ago, when the United States killed more than a hundred Cuban with the explosion of merchant 'La Coubre' our people proclaimed 'Patria o Muerte. " Fulfilled, and has always been willing to keep his word, "added the former Cuban president.
Meanwhile, Bolivian President Evo Morales called for the disappearance of the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), the Board considered an invasion and bombing. He stressed that the UN action, which took over leadership of the powers that attacked Libya, does not respect human rights, does not respect the self determination of peoples and is killing civilians. After comparing the situation Libya to Iraq in 2003, said the U.S. president Barack Obama, who received the Nobel Peace Prize, "must assume the nobel prize of war."
talked a moment ago the burgers on the Manners and Customs, the Principles of Sovereignty Nationalists nonexistent heritage .... and at least barbarism to be ally to the generator is much less generous.
Libya is for the Libyans.
Oh I'm listening to the minds doblemoralinas to cross themselves and dare not express an opinion for fear that it read ...
to invade and kill! That the world is ending!
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