A Lolo
If you know me the bathroom but it will not .... is that it reads cool a bit right?
If you know me the bathroom but it will not .... is that it reads cool a bit right?
This entry has nothing .... if evangelical is a being of those very very very religious and Caye Mom, I sure burning green wood but does not even .... chamuscadote ... I'm fine with the bottom because the Chuy and his boss took me to all sidelined, for here they call me mean, to them I'm a treasure.
Well, ps that in recent days, I told them I was of Guevara in 2046 with the baby of orchids, many of those moments were spent in bed .... cochinotes and evil-minded are not watching film ... ... in one of those that are not entertained me in the kitchen when I returned, the orchidologist saw one of those movies that are holy days, rather crappy and poignant .... a woman with yellow yellow pelucota loops of those who made our mamac tubes plastic roses such as two inches and a escotote more pronounced than those of Isela Vega, washed his feet to a half Guerot barbudón ... very good looking .... orchidologist poor, was as fair and why did you remove my screen to see Movies.

The woman that was trying to represent Magdalena.
There are injustices in history, but committed against this woman has no mother .... if the ancestral genocide and ambitious interests of The Whore of Babylon were not aberrant, today was another history.
Arguably the most important woman in modern history understood by modern era .... DC current
Arguably the most important woman in modern history understood by modern era .... DC current
I have invested much time, and strangely enough, I had never noticed leave it here ... it's about time .... before I mastered my German . The main crime of La Puta has been violating the common sense of human being ... dehumanize. Adiéstralo idiot train your pet form it will and necessity. For it has completely distorted the Official History of Christianity. Where Magdalena takes center stage. They
those who know (here is of my own eh !!!.... but checked with the above ... and if you do not believe me just ask), which in times Chuyin exercised their jobs in the land, chosen piece was divided into several areas, among the most documented are Judea and Galilee, as in the latter, most notably in the town of Magdala, a fair and sensible prudent highly educated women, various occupations dominated, typical of women and men. .. land of fishermen, the men went to the Sea and the women came to Earth, without distinction of gender .... unlike Judea, where the woman was a useful object for men ....
In Galilee, the women had the option of studying and reading, grow and contribute to its development and that of their own ..... atmosphere of culture and progress, thinking and creative minds ..... so no wonder Magdalena develop a privileged mind, enriched with an erudition rarely seen before ... Gnostic
In Galilee, the women had the option of studying and reading, grow and contribute to its development and that of their own ..... atmosphere of culture and progress, thinking and creative minds ..... so no wonder Magdalena develop a privileged mind, enriched with an erudition rarely seen before ... Gnostic
choice, decides to take the path of Jesus, go meet him and join his cause. Only woman in a group of "men." According to the 4 books released by La Puta, Peter was chosen to manage the little shop of God on Earth ..... lacked the guile of a group of ..... oh I do not remember what it was called that race ... but it was something like a good liberal bandages hermits settled in the lower Nile, those responsible for protecting the holy books because they think .... ah! They were 4 and La Puta would have us believe all these 2011 years noooo! They were a load! And in those days were all equally valuable and important. For La Puta dendenates took on the task disappear not suited him, and entrusted to those cool bandages that disappeared .... ps you think. Well heck those bandages not disappeared. Buried just to save his skin, hoping that one day be discovered to save humanity ... but save that if and when ?!?!?! That was the question ....
containing these gospels as harmful to the future of La Puta on Earth .... ps a different truth to the "truth", in veld, in which Jesus thought and felt analyzed, not just levitate and heal no ... where it was also clear the situation inside "your" group.
containing these gospels as harmful to the future of La Puta on Earth .... ps a different truth to the "truth", in veld, in which Jesus thought and felt analyzed, not just levitate and heal no ... where it was also clear the situation inside "your" group.
A Magdalena's arrival, his eleven disciples and that it was good people, decent tired of noblest hearts, traditional and conservative sick ... and had to get her to stir the waters.
If previous eleven were good and docile and gentle, met the perfect profile to spread the "work" functions, the mouth were given a great time .... but needed a counterweight to Chuyin, someone you trust and deposit the feelings, joys and until ejaculation .... Magdalena fell like a glove, she was able to talk and talk, she understood and questioned, she guided and enriched ..... occurrence is not that they loved me no .... texts and documents abound everywhere where it is established the nature and extent of their relationship ....
If previous eleven were good and docile and gentle, met the perfect profile to spread the "work" functions, the mouth were given a great time .... but needed a counterweight to Chuyin, someone you trust and deposit the feelings, joys and until ejaculation .... Magdalena fell like a glove, she was able to talk and talk, she understood and questioned, she guided and enriched ..... occurrence is not that they loved me no .... texts and documents abound everywhere where it is established the nature and extent of their relationship ....
Two of the highlights of their stay on Earth, Chuyin were spent at his side, the Crucifixion and Resurrection ....
some time ago, I clearly remember that within my mental disorders, I started my mushrooms on the Fireflies, ramble about being we expect to see on that side, and followed him and kept me ... they are not typed, but I followed ..... and vice versa??
If we had the opportunity to return from there to here ?..... who would visit?
Who would you choose to visit you? If
surely some would say that the Pajarraca if still alive .... but it seems to me that most would return by the love of our lives that ????? (I makes me who I have nothing further back ...).
For Jesus comes back, and comes before anyone if .... Magdalena.
The misogynist and Whore of Babylon is genocidal and inhuman, but not stupid. I knew if it respected the official story and showed as it was Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalene, and not talk about the relationship erotic-sentimental no, I mean a relationship of equals who lived, and evolved thinking beings, respectful teacher and pupil at the height ... women probably would not have been relegated as they have been in church domes ..... surely the closure of these domes has not been as it has been .... sure history would be different.
if idealism is not the same and if, but not conceive of Teresa of Jesus Teresa of Calcutta or overlapping Maciel ..... overlapping the genocide of the Jewish people exterminated races ..... culturally speaking on behalf of God .....
if idealism is not the same and if, but not conceive of Teresa of Jesus Teresa of Calcutta or overlapping Maciel ..... overlapping the genocide of the Jewish people exterminated races ..... culturally speaking on behalf of God .....
For this was better cross it off of a bitch, and degrades muddy ....
They say (to many to shit ... well .... but imagine feminists), that behind every great man is a great woman ...... Magdalena
They say (to many to shit ... well .... but imagine feminists), that behind every great man is a great woman ...... Magdalena
was always at his side.
And to think that in his heart ran blood Blood ..... That would be blessed.
...... But that is another story.

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