Bisam To Álvaro (1975), literature is an open drawer full of tools and cachureos, which the novelist and the reader can access a variety of ways. For this reason, it works like manifold, those where fiction pure and simple with chronic gets dirty, writing encyclopedic tone, aesthetics of comics, news and whatever gender reference in their power pop. Bisam,
Black Box (Editorial Bruguera), his debut as a novelist, is the credible witness of what passes for his overactive brain or what has been thrown in the drawer where his records are stacked, stories, memories and fantasies. There is no climax or end, but a set of stories that are increasing: witness the clash between a glam singer and his father, an academic with messianic delusions that directs the making of a Faculty of Theology, as well as we can read a dictionary Chilean Gothic cinema. Miguel Brito, for example, is the butcher who led "Coiled huaso", "Eighteen bloody" and "virtual barbecue" trilogy, you will come haunting scenes of sex and violence; Lonco is the pseudonym of Daniel Huenulef, star of the adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe stories in Mapuche mythology , "Mount Caramel" is the title of the story of a village inhabited by children with mental powers and priests that led to vampire
Among the extravagant horror sneak some pictures of a particular density, such as Japanese friends dedicated to the comic or the writer albino
- So parody is also a form of tribute?
- is a form of melancholy. The object remembers the original parodied, but it can never be read again in the same way, with the same consistency. There is a yearning for knowledge that we can no longer reach or tell-a form of memory dyslexic.
- When born your interest in such knowledge discredited by high literature?
- They were always there as part of the pan daily reading. I grew up reading the magazine analysis by Japanese cartoons. My parents gave me the complete collection of classics along with Asterix adventure novels, and arguably never made aesthetic hierarchies. As I got into the boom devouring me Foucault's Pendulum, Eco, that legitimizes all the fee, passing by the sarcasm and cynicism. I'm interested in that world as an aesthetic, as a way to tell, juxtaposing with more systematic knowledge. Hence, I like Grant Morrison, Piglia, Warren Ellis, Bolaño, Wilcock, Dick, Jack Kirby, Laiseca, Parra. When I read "Rome the wolf", the comic book left unfinished Lihn, I realize that there is a line of work, a rare form of tradition.
- This year published a book chronicles ('Postcards urban') and the novel do appear to Edwards Bello with a history as bizarre as enigmatic. What is your relationship with him?
- As a reader, I have tremendous affection. His writing has an urgency to record the fact, but also invented. On the other hand, put Edwards Bello was automatic: breathe the way you see the port. He, Manuel Rojas, Aldo France and others coined a way of telling Valparaiso. There are also more personal reasons. From childhood I go to a Chinese restaurant that I believe serves the best Mongolian beef around here. Reading The futility of the family I learned that this was the house Joaquin, who was born there and that the mansion was part of Chilean literature. When Carla eat there, try to think that the ghost of Edwards Bello protects diners like a ghost armed, ready to fire bullets of ectoplasm. I like the tradition contain a guy like him.
- "black box" in any case, away from the Chilean tradition.
- What I tried was to play with materials that prevent at all costs Creole photo realism, solipsism biography, linearity and local technical gesture of trying to emulate right or wrong to Donoso, or believe that the novel is a sort of inviolate sanctuary, home armed angels sing the national anthem.
- seems like the aesthetics of excess and the minimum, you're the first.
- I want to push the boundaries of the machine that tells stories. I also like that the novel has a high gravity forces, in addition to the possibility of incorporating a multitude of stories that intersect and collide. It was weird and funny, mix, cut, paste, mix again. It was the remix of an album. Pure pop.
- Do not you think that the emphasis on architecture characterization hurt, the force of the passions and emotions of the characters?
- The énfasis en la arquitectura vino casi al final. Sabía que tenía entre manos una obra coral, pero también que la pasión de los personajes eran sus propias historias: el cómo las cuentan y en qué los transforma ese relato. Los hermanos Mori, Levinas, el albino, Osu, el rockstar y el dibujante japonés son voces buscando su lugar. Y los otros, funcionan como detonadores de ciertas ideas del decorado, como forma de atrapar algunas imágenes que se me escapaban. La idea es ver Caja negra como una casa y que el lector deambule y vea qué se cuece en cada habitación.
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