Monday, June 28, 2010

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One day after a restless sleep, woke become someone totally different from his previous person. ... ...
- No, all wrong, it's all bad, not good for anything! Out of sight and back to work!
A short man, bald, chubby, wearing a suit and a cigar between his teeth screamed in his luxurious office to a new employee who had little time working in the editorial. The employee named Alan Carter and his boss, Soul Jhon yelling each week.
Alan was totally different from his boss, tall, short black hair, thin, was dressed in jeans, shirt and sports and of course had no no cigar in his mouth.
Alan since childhood had passionate writing stories and tales and in the end had achieved his first work related to writing.
-. I have only one problem, "he thought, let out a smile while recalling the graceful image of his boss, although it was a smile that concealed rage at the humiliation that was submitted each week because of their written.
In his desk he felt the sensation he experienced every time she came the inspiration. He began to write light and forget all the pressures and all the nerves, immersed in their fantasy worlds in which futuristic action mixed with mythological creatures and in fact it was coming to mind. This time the story was about aliens coming to Earth in a huge ship to fierce warriors fighting the Celts and Druids.
-. It will be strange, but in literature not everything has to be logical, "he said to himself - and ready to go, brought the pen to the leaves, but a hoarse deep voice startled him:
-. Alan stop writing nonsense and back to work! - John said he had discovered his occupation from the hallway.
-. Then head - Said Alan, looking into his eyes.
-. Vamos! John replied, while marching down the aisle.
-. This can not continue like this, I am not a shoe to drag my pride - and while he thought went into the hallway and confronted his boss saying
-. Sir, you humbled me this morning and I ask him to return again to read my writing, please.
-. What, you humiliated? You humble me now with your words, out of here! You're fired!
These words sat as a pitcher of ice water to Alan but she accepted with dignity, he gathered his things and left.
Within three months following Alan survived thanks to some money he had, thanks to their parents and friends. His time insisted on continuing his story completely convinced of its publication.
One summer morning in the subway, a tall, stocky, bespectacled and wearing light clothes sports in a friendly tone approached him and said
-. Alan Carter?
-. Yes, I am What do you want?
-. I learned that you try to publish one of his works by a friend and I'm interested. Can we talk about it?
-. Of course - said Alan -.
After signing by both parties Alan was finally able to see their fantasy worlds come true in a book, which catapulted him to write and write, being paid for it and being respected as a person and as a writer.

Francis Sierra de la Rosa (my son). 13. 4 th ranked province of JaƩn.

Young Talents Short Story Contest "Coca-cola."

Secondary 2 Presentation College. Linares.

Award of Francis of Assisi Sierra de la Rosa

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How Can I Play Pokemon Silver On Vba


not use too much bad language even without highly trained person. Cunning might fill gaps but ... how to operate on minds, wills and feelings. Of course, leaving no choice to transmit critical because all you're wonderful. Always claim that you do not lie but never tell you manipulate. Is it normal in your world and according to your claims?
have to be aware of dangerous games of seduction and power not to fall. Not pursue the truth and only want to convince to achieve your goals. The victims who flatter in appearance or raise it remotely.
That is the triumph of that brag about being a leader apparential worlds by conviction and motivated by the sole interest of climbing.
If you allow me and knowing what you do and why you do not stop being all that you should not and everything according to your own words hunch thousand forums.
Hopefully you see the hair! and as soon as cocky and arrogant.

Paco Sierra.Linares.Junio \u200b\u200b2010.